Code of conduct
IN TIME GROUP, its affiliates, and subsidiaries, including, but not limited to IN TIME GROUP, Corp, strive to conduct business in an ethical and moral manner. To achieve this purpose, IN TIME GROUP requires all of its vendors and third-party service providers to subscribe to certain moral and ethical principles in conducting business as set forth in this Code of Ethical Conduct for Vendors and Third Party Service Providers (the Code ). The Code sets forth basic requirements that all vendors and third-party service providers must meet in order to do business with the Company, and supplements all other policies previously issued by the Company.
The undersigned ( Vendor ) hereby represents and warrants that it operates in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in all jurisdictions where it does business, including international laws and regulations related to the conduct of trade between nations. Vendor acknowledges that, as a condition of doing business with the Company, Vendor must comply with this Code. The vendor acknowledges and agrees that failure to abide by this Code will be sufficient cause for IN TIME to exercise its right to terminate its business relationship. The Company reserves the right, as a condition of vendor approval, to conduct inspections of suppliers, their facilities, and their business practices to verify compliance with this Code. The vendor agrees to cooperate fully with the Company and provide any information requested which is necessary to demonstrate compliance with this Code.
Although it is not possible to specify every action that might create a conflict with the Code, the Code sets forth areas in which issues may arise in the everyday activities of a vendor or third-party service provider. To that end,
The Code identifies the following examples of practices that are covered by this Code:
(1) Self-Dealing & Conflicts of Interest
(2) Bribes & Improper Payments
(3) Product Integrity
(4) Social Media Policy
(5) Gifts
(6) Maintaining Accurate Books and Records.
The following examples represent a small subset of activities in direct violation of the Code, but do not represent all actions that may violate this Code.
(1) Self-Dealing, Conflicts of Interest, and Fraud
In doing business with the Company, the Vendor should avoid any action that creates or appears to create a conflict of interest with the company or any form of fraud. A conflict of interest exists where Vendor’s private interests in any way interfere or conflict with, or appears to interfere or conflict with, the interests of IN TIME, or make, or appear to make, it is difficult for the Vendor to perform its work for IN TIME, objectively and effectively. Self Dealing includes an unfair advantage through manipulation, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of facts, or any other unfair dealing practice. For example, the Vendor should not use its business relationship with the Company or the Company’s property or information for personal gain, and may not take Company opportunities for sales or purchases of products, services, or interests for the Vendor’s own interests. Vendors and third-party service providers must promptly disclose actual or potential conflicts or fraud to the Company’s Senior Management.
(2) Bribes & Improper Payments
The Company (IN TIME) does business, prohibits the Company, its subsidiaries, employees, agents, consultants, representatives, and others providing services on behalf of the Company from participating, directly or indirectly, in paying money or other things of value to government officials, political parties or party officials, candidates for office, or any other person while knowing that all or a portion of such money or things of value will be offered, given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to any of the aforementioned persons or organizations, or to any other person for the purpose of improperly influencing or obtaining an improper advantage in connection with obtaining or retaining business for the Company. Hidden commissions, fees, or any other payments with a view towards procuring business or preferential treatment from or for IN TIME are expressly prohibited. If you prefer to report an allegation anonymously, you must provide enough information about the incident or situation to allow the Company to investigate properly.
(3) Product Integrity & Undue Influence
The Company takes pride in providing high-quality products. In addition to meeting the Company’s internal quality standards, policies, and procedures, the Vendor should ensure that all IN TIME products and their components and packaging are produced, tested, packaged, and labeled in full compliance with all applicable national and local laws and regulations. To that end, IN TIME prohibits any activity that is intended to exert undue influence over the test results or other analytical findings or which is otherwise designed to interfere with the independent technical judgment of testing laboratories, conformity assessment bodies, or other similar service providers that conduct testing of IN TIME products or its components.
(4) Social Media Policy
As per our discussion, please find below the Social Media Protocol we have at InTimes. You will be required to accept the same once you join our organization. Please let us know if you have any concerns.
- All staff should always be mindful and think carefully about protecting the image and reputation of InTimes and its related parties when posting on social media, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn. Staffs are accountable for what is posted into the public domain from his/her personal social media accounts.
- All staff must not disclose confidential information relating to the company on social media, or post offensive or false remarks about the company which may cause damage to the company’s reputation or brings the company into disrepute.
- All staff must not post or cause the posting of anything that could be considered unlawful, contrary to the interests of the company, discriminatory against, or bullying or harassing of any individual.
- Any misuse of social media which causes financial or reputational damage to the company may lead to disciplinary action and he/she may be required to remove the relevant social media content. The company may also take other appropriate action to recover any loss or damage it may suffer.
- It is strictly forbidden that at any time, all staff cannot access any URL related to entertainment, gambling, or any sex/adult channels through company networks and/or using company-issued equipment. Any transgression will be subject to disciplinary action and/or instant dismissal.
(5) Gifts
The Company requires all business dealings to be performed in an honest and fair manner, free from impropriety, threats, favoritism, and undue influence that could undermine the integrity of any services or products provided to IN TIME. The Company’s Code requires that the Vendor should never offer anything of value to anyone at the company so that it might compromise or appear to compromise the objectivity of the Vendor’s business decisions in connection with doing business with the Company. This includes, but is not limited to, gift certificates, tickets to shows or events, travel arrangements, loans, discounts, and/or services. These types of compensation present a conflict of interest to anyone working on the Company’s behalf, and it is for this reason that the Company restricts this type of vendor or third-party service provider activities or gifts. For example, any of such aforementioned gifts, services, or discounts are strictly prohibited to be received by any Company employee or agent from any social auditing company or C-TPAT auditing company.
(6) Maintaining Accurate Books & Records
The Company must maintain accurate and complete books and records. Every business transaction undertaken by the Company must be recorded correctly and in a timely manner in the Company’s books and records. The Company, therefore, expects the Vendor to be candid and accurate when providing or entering information for these documents and systems. The vendor is specifically prohibited from providing information that would result in false or misleading entries in the Company’s books and records.
From time to time, the Company may update or modify its policies in connection with the Code. While the Company reserves the right to make these changes without notice, the Company will use its best efforts to inform the Vendor as soon as possible.
The Company has a zero-tolerance policy as it relates to the Code. Most problems can be easily avoided simply by using good judgment and seeking guidance when questions arise. It is Vendor’s responsibility to raise questions, make appropriate disclosures, keep all approval documentation and notify the Company of any potential issues.